A season ticket at the Vasa Museum offers several benefits including free admission.
The Vasa Museum offers two different kinds of season tickets, silver and gold. When you buy a season ticket you become member in the museum´s support association, The Friends of the Vasa Museum.
Silver 350 SEK
- Free admission to the Vasa Museum for one year starting from the date of purchase.
Gold 450 SEK
- Free admission to the Vasa Museum.
- Reduced admission fee for a guest.
- Ten percent discount at the Vasa Museum shop and at the museum restaurant (not including alcohol).
- Invitations to openings and other events.
You can buy the season ticket at the museum or through Plusgiro 162-8. Be sure to write your name clearly. The card will be sent by post if the season ticket is paid by Plusgiro.
To pay from abroad
Give your bank the following information:
Pay via SWIFT to our account 162-8 with Plusgirot, SE-105 06 Stockholm, SWIFT-address NDEASESS, IBAN number SE59 9500 0099 6034 0000 1628.