Foto av skeppet Vasa inne i museet, med skulpturer och rigg.

Welcome to the Vasa Museum

Opening hours and information

Monday - Sunday:

10 - 17


10 - 20


Large bags are not allowed in the museum.



195 SEK

Payment by card only. Pre-purchased tickets do not give priority in queue.

Combo Ticket: Vasa +Vrak

315 SEK

18 years and under: 

Free of charge

Buy ticket
Två bilder som visar en man och en kvinna. Mannen ser förvånad ut, kvinnan har ett VR-set med dykarbild på sig och ler.

Two Museums - one ticket: 315 SEK

Combo ticket offer! Visit our sister museum Vrak - Museum of Wrecks, close to Vasa at Djurgården. 

Research & preservation

Support Vasa

The ship Vasa needs a new support structure to keep it from sinking – again. Every contribution helps. 

Good to know

Wheeled cases and large items of luggage are not allowed in the museum. It is permitted to bring handbags and smaller backpacks, which you carry with you during the entire visit.

Here is everything you need to know before and during your visit at the Vasa Museum. 

Tre personer: två män, en kvinna syns i historiska kläder mot mörk bakgrund.

New Exhibition: In Life and Death

In this exhibiton you will meet some of the people who followed Vasa into the deep when the ship sank on 10 August 1628.

Kids & family

Vasa's story on your phone

Join Olof, a young boy who gets to work at the shipyard where Vasa was bulit, in our new audio guide for children.

Link to the Vasa Museum Shop
Museum Shop

Museum shop

Welcome to the Museum shop! Many of our products are unique to the Vasa Museum and are replicas of objects found on board. 

Visit us with your school

Are you planning a school trip to the Vasa Museum? Here's all you need to know. 

En kvinna håller fram Vasamuseets två olika årskort, årskort guld och silver.
Om Vasamuseet

Friends of the Vasa museum

Support our musuem by joining our members.

Link to the audio guide

Audio guide

15 soundtracks telling the history of Vasa.

Link to the Vasa Museum Restaurant

Hungry for fika?

Enjoy food made from fine Swedish ingredients and a beautiful sea view. We have a lunch menu for both adults and children. For coffee, we have several pastries to choose from. 

Kids & family

Children and families

The story of the king’s beautiful, yet terrifying ship, which sank on its maiden voyage in 1628 and lay at the bottom of sea for hundreds of years, fascinates people of all ages. Explore the world of Vasa together.


Film about Vasa

Vasa's story: How she was built, sunk and was salvaged. Shown daily at the museum.
